Shop bri.craftique at Midtown Bliss Shelf B7
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Why Subscribe?

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Subscribe Now! Subscribe Here! Don't forget to Subscribe! 

Why do shop owners or creators continuously ask their followers to do this? Answer: To flood your email of course 🤣 (Jk).

On the contrary: The reason why is because from there, shop owners have a direct line to customer.
▪︎ Instagram could leave.
▪︎ Etsy or websites could crash.
▪︎ But emails - last forever. (Yes, this is me still holding onto my yahoo account created back in '01.)

Don't get me wrong - I feel pretty gimmicky asking people to "Subscribe to my newsletter" (especially because I hold the shame and guilt for rarely sending email campaigns to begin with). But on the receiving end, I have benefitted from signing up for a shop to get all the discounts/perks. So shouldn't you?

Will all the emails appeal to me? Not always. But I know that if I want to see the latest updates from my favorite shop, I can just go to my email and check. 

Truly, ANY small business (from the smallest to the biggest) depend on emails to stay afloat📧 Special coupons/promotions, rewards programs, target audience material - all require emails. And in order for you (the customer), to benefit from this special treatment - you gotta subscribe. 

Trust me - I have thought of a billion and one ways to sound "subscribe" sound cooler. I have yet to find one. 

Now go ahead - drop that email like it's hot here🔥And keep your eye on your inbox for that special gift.

And in the meantime, what do you like best about being a subscriber? Is it shop updates? Sales/coupons? Or behind the scenes look?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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