Shop bri.craftique @ Bliss Midtown in Sac
Shop bri.craftique @ Bliss Midtown in Sac
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Why do shop owners or creators continuously ask their followers to subscribe? This blog will share how crucial your email is to small business and all the benefits you can receive from email marketing. Check it out!

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Black Friday Sales: Are They Really Worth It?

behind the scenes Black Friday sales Cyber Monday discounts discounts and sales handmade shop sales sales and promotions shop small business small business mindset Small Business Saturday

Black Friday Sales: Are They Really Worth It?

Black Friday Sale buzz is all around, which makes it hard to tell if "buying in" is really worth it? To be quite honest, I have never been one to get caught up in the sales hysteria. The crowds, the lines, the items . . . it never really appealed to me. The allure never pulled me in for two reasons: I buy items on sale items on a daily basis, which helps me gauge if it really is a deal or just a gimmick. A lot of the times, companies market it as a “doorbuster” or “deep discount”, but...

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