"You Don't Have to Be Who They Want You To Be"

authenticity creative creative business creative business owner creative convo creative dilemma creatives monday mindset monday mood monday motivation motivation multi-faceted originality self-worth small business small business blog small business mindset who are you worth

"You Don't Have to Be Who They Want You To Be"

The biggest challenge of my life was figuring out WHAT I wanted to do. So since I couldn't pick one, I went to school to be an Elementary Teacher.

Don't get me wrong: I still have a passion of youth and teaching; but even then, I felt pigeon-holed. 

Why just ONE job? Why pick ONE career path? 

Now granted, I understand the need to stay focused, but I always wanted to be involved in more than one thing. 

Owning my own business has allowed me the  ability to define who I am, as opposed to letting a career title define me. 

When asked " What I do for a living?" I reply "What I want". I used to be embarrassed or over-explain my situation to justify my decision to "do me".

But I've learned I don't have to explain myself. I just need to accept my self-created path.

  • Is it always a walk in the park? No.
  • Am I constantly learning lessons of balance and self-management? All the time.
  • But am I happy? Very! 


To all my multi-faceted people (that means you), please THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! Don't always wait for an opportunity; learn to create one! 

Can you relate to this post? Share in the comments below how you have struggled to identify who you are or what you want to do in life! 

I'd love to hear your viewpoint! 

With love,


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